

Hi Elsa,

We just wanted to thank you for the wonderful service and professional advice in the process to buy our home. It has been one of our most important decisions in our lives!!!

With no doubt, I will recommend your services to our friends and family.

Warm regards,

Christian, Monica, Juan Camilo & Anabella


Hello Elsa I hope
that you are doing fine. My family and i would like to thank you for everything you have done for us and for helping us and giving us orientation when we most needed it. Thank you for all of the time you spent helping us.

My family and I appreciate it.

Thank you.

Luz Maria


Today, we cannot be more grateful with Elsa for all her support in the process to find our home, not only during that time but also after and still there for us, I wish all the Real Estate Agents were the same, sometimes they are there until you get the house but then they forget about how the family is doing after that. We wish you can continue growing on your professional career.

Best regards,

Harold, Mona, Juan and Lucas.


Hi Elsa,

I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your services. You definitely understood our needs and you worked hard to exceed our expectations.


John and Catherine


Hi Elsa,

Wanted to let you know that we were very happy with the service and advice you
provided us when selling and buying our new home.

We will recommend you to all of our friends,

Brian & Lee


Hi Elsa,

Thanks a lot for all help provided during our home upgrade. The selection process of our new home was a long one for us. My wife and I definitely had a lot of expectations and requirements. Your attitude to listen and patience during the process helped us to choose the home we believe is the right one. We also thank you for “the sale” side of the transaction. You provided us a lot of support and expertise to guide us preparing the house for sale (She even brought a designer to help us!!). The sale was stress less and fast (8 hours from the listing to the offer acceptance) and we got more than the expected price!!!

Elsa whish you the best in your new deals and… maybe you can help us with the
next upgrade.




Elsa has been wonderful! She answered all our questions. She helped us find the perfect house and gave us this right advice throughout our house hunting experience.

Thanks a lot

Daniel and family


I want to let you know me and my son Chris were very happy with the service you provide to us renting the apartment. We will recommend you to all our friends.

Carmen and Chris.


A dream comes true! …

Buying our first home was an unforgettable satisfactory experience. We will always be grateful for having had the disposition of our Realtor Elsa, who guided us with great professionalism, honesty, dedication and understanding throughout the process of acquisition of our house.

Today, fortunately we have a place that provides us with stability, security, and even more, guarantees us a great opportunity as an investment.

To you Elsa, that has managed to earn our trust and friendship from the first day, we wish you continue providing your qualified experience as a Realtor with quality service as now, and follow to handle the real state needs to anyone who requires it.

Thanks for everything that you have done for us.

Successes, wisdom and health.
Best regards,
Ortiz Family


Hi Elsa,

I want to thank you for all your support in the important decision I made buying my new home. It’s been more than a year and I feel great with my new place!!

With your dedication and advice you made this process very easy for me and my family. I always felt you gave us such professional service right from the moment I decided to find the best property investment.

Definitely you meet my expectations as a realtor and of course will count onyou in any decision I make on this matter.

Best Regards for you and family and once again Thank You!!!!




In this wonderful time of the year, we want to extend many thanks to you for the excellent job you did in finding our dream home and for your continued support and friendship. We are very thankful because you understood our needs and you worked very hard to exceed our expectations.

From the bottom of our hearts we wish you, your family and friends a safe and a
happy holiday season and a healthy and successful new year 2011.


Yours truly,

John & Catherine


Hello Elsa: I just want to thank you for all you did in our process to find our first home. I always was so worried how difficult this process could be? But you made it so easy for us and today we are enjoying our first home very happy and satisfied.

We will strongly recommend you to any friend who wants to buy a house and for sure
we will keep in touch for life because more than a Realtor you became a friend to us.

Thanks and Happy New Year.

Nilo & Janet


Buying our first home was an unforgettable experience, you guide us whit stability, honesty and dedication through the process. We are very happy to have our dream house, thank you so much for your support and your help.

Ramon, Adriana y Brandon


We are comfortable with Elsa’s professional work, as during the whole process she was very accessible to resolve our concerns.

Although from the beginning we knew the type of house we wanted to buy, we found an interesting detail that she had to show us different models from that one we had in mind, this allowed us to confirm our initial decision with greater confidence.

Now we are very happy in our home and we believe we chose the best. Elsa, thank you so much for helping us reach our goals.

All the best for you and your family this 2011.

Lucia, Vida y Arturo


Great experience with Elsa.

She had figured out what exactly were looking for and it took us just few trials before we got the house of our dreams. Elsa has been available throughout the whole process, ready to answer our questions and to support us with the best options.

Thank you Elsa for all you hard work.

Andre & Sandra


Juan and I want to thank you for all your help. It was a great experience working with you in the process of renting a house, hopefully soon we will do it again for buying.

Thanks again,

Juan and Maria


Elsa has been wonderful! Thank you for the excellent job you did in finding our dream home and for your continued support and friendship.

We are very thankful, you understood our needs and you worked very hard to
exceed our expectations. We will recommend you to all of our friends.


 Queremos agradecer públicamente, tu ayuda profesional en la compra de nuestra primer casa en Canadá. Por tu dedicación y certeros consejos el tiempo que nos dedicaste.

Sin duda te queremos recomendar a las personas que como nosotros quieran comprar o vender sus casas!!!

Muchas gracias.

Laura y Fabio


Elsa de todo corazón un inmenso deseo para ti y tu familia por estas fiestas. Que el
año 2012 sea el mejor para todo lo que suenas y se haga realidad. Y muchísimas
gracias por tu ayuda durante el año 2011. Eres una persona especial en tus servicios ojalá perseveres por siempre que eso nos hace mejor sirviendo al público.
No cambies que vas a llegar bien lejos. Un beso, que Dios siempre te guíe y cuide.



Entre nuestras muchas vivencias en Canadá hemos tenido la de ser arrendatarios y la de ser propietarios.
En ambas oportunidades a Dios gracias primeramente y segundo a Elsa Triana tuvimos buena dirección, pues encontramos lo que queríamos, lo que necesitábamos y lo que nos convenía, que son las tres razones principales para estar satisfechos hoy en día. En estas dos experiencias encontramos en Elsa Triana paciencia, entusiasmo, profesionalismo, amistad y muchos otros ingredientes que hacen que hoy escribamos estas cortas líneas en agradecimiento.
Elsa, gracias por esa noble labor de ayudar a tantas familias a establecerse en este país. Dios te bendiga.

Liliana & Family


Hi Elsa,

Thank you for all your help! You were wonderful in helping me purchase my first roperty. You went out of your way to be on top of everything and I really appreciate your help. I will recommend you to anyone looking to buy or sell a home. Thanks for explaining mortgages to me and making the whole process smooth and understandable. You have succeeded as a realtor beyond my expectations. I am glad to have met you! –



In an automated world where materialism seems to be the only thing that matter, finding a friendly face who cares about your well being is like a prize. Thanks Elsa from the three of us for making this process look so easy, and if we had the chance to recommend you with someone else we definitely will. Big Hug and our best wishes.

Solis – Carrasco Family


Hello Elsa,

We express our total satisfaction with your services as our real estate broker in renting our apartment within a less of ten days with multiple options. We are very impressed by your professional approach and marketing strategy and would gladly recommend your services to anyone.

Carolina & Guillermo



From the moment we meet Elsa we knew that we were in the right hands, she is detailed, knowledgeable and eager to help, we appreciate her hard work, patience, kindness and expert advice; we had a few problems to dealt with through the selling process but Elsa was very professional leading the process to a happy end; we are particularly thankful for her honesty and integrity. We would definitely recommend Elsa to our family and friends.

Vladimir & Family


Hello, Elsa

Thank you for your patience and support in the search for our first home we are happy to have found what we wanted.


Carlos Eduardo and Aura Marina


At the end of the last year I decided to buy my home. As per a good friend recommendation I contacted Elsa Triana. Elsa supported me on the best possible way from the first interview until the closing; all decisions required were made with her professional advice. The financial information was very clear always and her strong experience on the Real State Business helped me to take the best decision. As a result, I can enjoy my new home today. Elsa made my dream come true.

Thank you very much Elsa.



I bought a house 4 years ago thru Elsa and Now I sold it, using her again. She is great, Very Professional, Dedicated, and Honest and she knows how the Real Estate market works. So I highly recommend Elsa Triana as your Real Estate agent.

Thanks Elsa for being my real state for life and my true friend for life.

Jorge M.


Dear Elsa Triana,

We just want to thanks Elsa for all you did to make our home buying a success. You did the best for us. Now we are very happy in our home. We hope to keep in touch with you always.
Thanks for everything,

Rosiris y Carlos


Hi Elsa,

We just wanted to let you know how happy and satisfied we are with your service as a Realtor. Your service from start to finish was exemplary and on a professional, knowledgeable, yet friendly level. You took the time to understand our needs and with your dedication and advice you made this first-home-buyers process very easy for us.

Thank you for the excellent job and we will recommend you to our friends.

Manuel, Claudia and Ana Cristina.


Dear Elsa,

Thank you for helping us to find a home in the location we wanted. Thanks for being always available to us for questions during working hours and during weekends. Also thank you for recommending the lawyer, the broker and the home inspector, all of them were really nice and helpful. You made our first time buyer experience enjoyable.


Claudia and Luis.


We were looking for a place to own and a friend recommended Elsa to us. Since we are first time home buyer, we were nervous, scared and intimidated by the process but Elsa helped us every step of the way. We explained to Elsa that we are in desperate need of a place to live and told her what we are looking for. Elsa promptly sent us a list of homes to look at and explained thoroughly all the possibilities and how much it would cost us monthly to pay if we are going to have our own place. When we saw the place we wanted, we were so excited and impressed. We were able to close the deal just before Christmas day which is the best gift we’ve ever received. Elsa recommended a mortgage broker and lawyer that will help us process the sale. She genuinely cared and made us feel comfortable every step of the way. She always said that we don’t have to worry and that we are in capable hands. Every day we waited for good news from Elsa and the wait was worth it. Today we are very proud owners of a condo and thanks to Elsa for the great job she has done helping us to live our dream. We highly recommend Elsa to you for your real estate needs!

Mike and Tina


Dear Elsa!

Finding a home is not easy; especially when you are a first buyer. You made this experience wonderful and pleasant for us. Now we enjoy our beautiful apartment and we are glad to have your service.

Thank you for walking us through this journey!

Javier, Johana , Aida y Sebastian.


Hi Elsa,

We will like to share our experience on buying our first home…
We never tough we were going to buy a home in Canada because there were a lot of things we didn’t know but having Elsa as our Real Estate Agent was amassing, she gave us all the tools we need it to get started, she solved all our questions and concerns. And was always there to show us what we wanted. Well we bought our home and we love it is just what we want and what we can afore.

Thank you so much

Lina & Diego


Elsa, thanks again for helping us achieve our Real Estate goals. You really understood what’s best for us. Thanks for your support and for sharing our happiness in all the decisions we make.


John and Catherine


Dear Elsa,

Thank You for your kindness, patience, guidance and friendship over these past months. Your expertise, knowledge & professionalism were clearly above the pack. Please stop by any time you are in the neighbourhood.

Luis A.& Edna


 Hi Elsa!
Daniel and I just wanted to thank you so much for everything you’ve done for us. We appreciate all the time and effort you put into making us happy. Buying your first home can be very stressful, but that stress can be alleviated when you have a great realtor. We hope to do business with you in the future.
Thank you again!
Cindy & Daniel


Siendo muy cercano el cierre de la venta de mi departamento, deseo agradecerle por sus servicios prestados como una profesional eficiente. En estos 5 años ha estado muy pendiente con la compra, alquiler y venta de mi propiedad. Espero contar muy pronto nuevamente con sus servicios y no lo dudare en hacerlo.
Gracias por todo!!!!!


Dear Elsa,

Just a few lines to express my gratitude for your amazing job. You listened to me and what I was looking and helped me in the house hunting. With your professionalism and knowledge of the Real Estate market we found the perfect house for me and my dogs.

Thank You very much!

Aseret, Lester and Milo


Elsa is an extraordinary woman, she is dedicated, ethical, ambitious, and of the highest integrity. It has been an enormous pleasure sharing in her company and support in finding our home.

Elsa worked tirelessly and researched and viewed many homes on her own time for us. She was able to determine exactly what we were searching for and found us the perfect home.

Elsa told us to think of the main things that we would want in our home and if we found most of them that was great. Well we got ten out of ten! The home exceeded our expectation

Thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication. We love our home. Anyone would be blessed to make the acquaintance and of this exceptional woman. We consider her a friend and would highly recommend Elsa to anyone searching for a home”.

Guzman-Valencia Family.  

Hi Elsa,

Liliana and I want to thank you and Juan Carlos for the excellent advice and support received during the process of selling our home as you were very efficient and gave us extensive information about supply and demand of real state, properly setting our expectations.

It is worth emphasizing that this support is not only commercial but also human, making this a pleasant and successful process.

Thank you,

German y Liliana.


Hi Elsa,

Elsa has been a great Real Estate Agent with us. She helped my parents find their home a few years ago and also helped us find our first home earlier this year. We are extremely thankful for all of Elsa’s hard work to find the perfect house that we can call home and that we absolutely love!!

Michelle and Patrick 


Elsa was very helpful and knowledgeable. We are glad we hired her as our agent. She was very professional and made our purchase stress-free. We recommend Elsa to first-time buyers.

Thanks again Elsa,

Kenia & Julio 


Hi Elsa,
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your help during the process of selling our house. Being so far away from the house and with difference in time you helped throughout the process, your patience and promptness to answer our inquiries and returning our calls is very much appreciated. You always took the time to explain everything and never rushed. Always keen to help with things that the owners are supposed to do but because we were away you helped us finding a solution, you went out of your way more than once, always making sure that we felt comfortable every step of the way. You facilitated the process and provided suggestions and recommendations until it was completed.
Thank you again for the services you provided and we wish you all the best in your career.
 Italo & Monica



We can’t say thank you enough times for the professional and friendly service you provided. Elsa did a fantastic job for us both selling and buying our properties – she is a great communicator, knows her business very well and was always there for our questions. We are really happy with our decision, and she was especially helpful.
Thanks again Elsa for being our outstanding Real Estate Agent. We will recommend you to everyone we know.
Happy Homeowners!

Rosiris y Carlos.


Elsa Triana is a first-rate real estate agent who helped me purchase my first home in Toronto. She is professional, diligent, and a great negotiator. As a skilled agent in her field, Elsa was able to expertly find and suggest properties that suited my preferences and satisfied needs I had not even considered.  She is a true partner during the entire home-buying process from beginning to end and beyond. I will undoubtedly partner up with Elsa again for my next purchase and wish her the ongoing success she deserves.



During the process of selling and purchasing our latest homes, Elsa showed real interest on helping us as persons rather than just customers; she supported our ideas and motivation with high level of empathy and service vocation, reason why, now more than ever, we can firmly say that if you go for Elsa as your Real Estate agent, you won’t go wrong. Thanks Elsa



Few months ago we decided to buy a new house, we knew the process  wouldn’t be easy.  As second time buyers, we were more sure of what we wanted. The search of our ideal house took some time, but it was worth it and Elsa was very patient and prompt.
Elsa gave us a real confidence to sell our first house; she gave us great suggestions on how to improve the look of it to make the sell faster. She was very thoughtful of all our needs. She, also greatly managed the multi selling offer of our former house.

She got a very clear understanding of what we really were looking for, which made the search for our new house more enjoyable. When we found the house we wanted, Elsa was totally fearless on getting it. It wasn’t easy but with her dedication and commitment, she made it possible.
Thank you very much Elsa for helping us making one of our dreams come true.



Elsa Triana is a great Real Estate Agent, very professional and accommodating to customer’s needs. Highly recommend to use her for your real estate matters.

Thank you very much for the great service Elsa.



Hola Elsa,

Sin tu consejo, positivismo y profesionalismo nuestra 2a casa no hubiera sido posible. Habíamos buscado junto con mi esposa la posibilidad de hacer nuestra 2a inversión durante dos años sin ninguna respuesta positiva.

Tu trabajo en la búsqueda de la casa fue muy profesional y de mucha paciencia. El asesoramiento financiero no pudo ser mejor. El éxito de nuestro proyecto habla por si solo, esa inversión se listo para la renta un Domingo a la 1pm (Agosto de 2015), el Jueves de las misma semana se estaba firmando el contrato de arriendo y en menos de una semana la propiedad empezaba a pagarse por si sola.

No tenemos ninguna duda en recomendar a Elsa Triana y su equipo para la compra de su vivienda.

Agradecimientos sinceros.
Carlos y Elizabeth


A Perfect new start!

Thanks Elsa, and Juan. You guys are a magnificent team. Always available to support and answer our questions, taking special care of our needs and whims. Not only helps us to find our first lease condo, you provide us with options to reach the goal of buy our first property in an unbelievable timeframe.

I thank the friend, who had referenced you as a Realtor. Thank you Elsa, and looking forward to reach the second step on this project of life.

A big hug, best regards,

 Diego and Family.


“Elsa made a difference on buying our house by making sure every detail of the purchasing process was done accordingly to her advice and promises of getting the right mortgage based in our budget and expectations of our first home;  Elsa exceed our expectations with her professionalism approach to our most important investment!”



Dear Elsa Triana,

Thank you for all of your hard work in the purchase of my home. I was impressed with your professionalism and communication throughout the whole process. Your determination and strive certainly paid off and is greatly appreciated.

I look forward to dealing with you again for my future real estate transactions.



Thanks you Elsa Triana for your kind help on the purchase of our third property. Buying and selling is always a fast and easy experience with you on our side. We also thank you for your support when we decided to keep our previous property so we could rent it later. For these reasons and more, we always think you are a person we highly recommend if anybody ask us for a trustable Real Estate Agent.



Dear Elsa, We really appreciate your dedication help and patience during this important process in our lives. You help us to find the best house as we desired! That make you a very professional and reliable real estate agent. Your team made our experience easier and very helpful during the purchase process. We highly recommend your services !
Sanchez Family

We met Elsa few years back in an Open House in the area and we were amazed how quickly she sold that house even knowing that the market wasn’t that great at the moment, we knew that when we decided to market ours she was the one to call and guess what “we were right” when we met her we knew she was the agent we would work with for the rest of our lives. she is personable and knowledgeable about the area. she listened to our needs and provide the advice needed in order to have a good and smooth sell, all the advice given in order to prep the house for the sell, Professional Designer advice, Professional pictures and her professionalism was all worth it, and the results speak for itself, “We sold the house in a record time of 1 day’ yes 1 day.

I would recommend her to anyone looking for a real-estate agent. Elsa It is always a pleasure to work with you.


Hi Elsa Triana

I want to thank you for your attention and services thru out the process of our house acquisition.

Our investment search and buying went like a breeze, quick and smooth. Your advice in the negotiation process was key to nail our house selection. We feel happy with both of our choices – our new house and your support. I encourage anyone who would like to try Elsa’s quality services.

Best Regards and thank you once more.

Ivan, Adriana.


Hi Elsa,

We have completed most of our renovations in our new home & just want to thank you & Juan for all the time you took to help us find our retirement home.

You understood what we were looking for and worked hard to ensure that we got what we wanted.

Your professionalism in handling negotiations & referral to a lawyer to handle the closing was such appreciated and lessened the stress of moving.

Thanks again,

Donna & Jake